• Ethiopia - Buncho Honey - Small Batch Series #1

    We're so excited to release the first retail bag in our single origin, small batch series - Ethiopia - Buncho Honey!

    Honey Process is an uncommon way to dry coffee cherries, getting it's name from the sticky, sweet remnants of fruit and pulp left on the beans after processing. If you're a fan of rich, fruit-forward beans, this is the one for you!

    This is a limited release, so come scoop `em while you can! Also available in our merch store!

  • Coyote Coffee - All Day Blend

    Introducing our 2nd unique blend, COYOTE COFFEE, named appropriately for the furry friend that appears on each of our bags!

    This blend focuses on beans from Central and South America that bloom with sweet caramel and chocolate notes, and a creamy mouth feel. We think it's so easy to drink, we call it our ALL DAY BLEND - try it and let us know if you agree!

  • Bluegrass Blend - Medium Roast

    RCB Roasters first release! BLUEGRASS BLEND is a special blend of Colombian, Brazilian, and Ethiopian coffees - medium-roasted to perfection for a bold taste!

    Currently the espresso blend at Radio Coffee & Beer in Austin, Tx.